According to LmAnubis, the original theme of the level was 'an abandoned robotic factory coming to life,' hence the name Artificial Ascent. Īrtificial Ascent started as a solo remake of Cataclysm. The video of the history of Artificial Ascent. It is the first installment of the Technology Trilogy, succeeded by Digital Descent and Cybernetic Crescent. It was placed at #1 on the Demonlist soon after, surpassing Sakupen Hell, before itself being displaced a month later by Yatagarasu. Who can still keep up? Verified by Combined.Īrtificial Ascent is a 2.0 Extreme Demon mega-collaboration hosted and published by Viprin (the co-host/former host being LmAnubis) and verified by Combined on December 11, 2016. Viprin (host and publisher), LmAnubis (co-host/former host), Codex, Mani圆48, Sanic, Hinds, Zobros, Michigun, Anthrax, ZenthicAlpha, Kallari, Wamiq8, nasgubb, AbstractDark, Etzer, Speed, Serponge, G4lvatron, and Terron (Verified by Combined)Īrtificial intelligence is about to surpass human possibilities. Do not edit this article unless it is strictly needed.
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